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Wednesday, June 28, 2017


(Primal Condition - Harmonic Resonance - Oneness)

When manifest beings use their gift of Free Will Choice within the Original Divine Intention the state of AT-ONE-ment with God-Source can be known and embodied while within the manifest experience.

(See: Love, Hon-e-til-E'a state)

Being both a sentient individual manifest AND simultaneously KNOWING Oneself as a direct, embodied expression of Christiac God-Source is known as the state of "God-Actualization"; this state creates the experience of FULLY ENGAGED NON-ATTACHMENT, (not DIS-ENGAGED DETACHMENT) accompanied by perpetual Unconditional Love, Peace, Spiritual and Material Mastery and Ecstatic Joy within the manifest arena.

Through the condition of At-One-Ment with God, through selflessness and humility, genuine love can be known.

The feeling of love is the result of the condition of vibrational harmonization, or the co-resonance of consciousness, between the lover and the Beloved.

Expansion into At-One-Ment with God creates the condition of absolute harmonization between the individual consciousness and the God Mind, a co-resonance of consciousness between God and the individuated manifestation of Itself.

In terms of "felt experience", At-One-Ment creates the feeling of absolute love, Unconditional Love, the quality of love the God Mind experiences toward all it's manifestations (with whom it eternally remains in a state of vibrational co-resonance of consciousness).

Personal expansion to 'At-One-Ment' or harmonic resonance with God Mind allows the individual to transcend all vibrational disharmonics (See: Disease) of consciousness and to retain co-resonance with the Cosmos.

At-One-Ment creates absolute love and absolute love IS the eternal vibrational resonance of consciousness that holds the structure of the Cosmos together.

Absolute love creates the experience of absolute joy and ecstatic fulfillment - and - in human terms generates the attributes of all those feelings and sensations deemed as 'good'.

All conditions of disease, conflict, pain, anguish, and suffering are the direct result and manifestation of vibrational dissonance of individual consciousness with the God Mind.

Creating the experience of At-One-Ment is the process of progressive expansion beyond the boundaries of the personality and ego identity into the greater aspects of gestalt identity and contained within the family tree of consciousness - a progressive realization of self as a plural rather than singular construct.

If one can understand that the goal of At-One-Ment with God is achieved through merging the higher bodies and identity levels, the process of achieving At-One-Ment becomes clear and easily achieved.

References: The “Freedom Teachings” of the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO), Speaker: E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas.
  • The Forbidden Testaments of Revelation
  • The Tangible Structure of the Soul


(Christiac Civilization - Synocratic Society)

A "Synocracy", the heart of the Founders' Emerald Covenant Lyran-Sirian-Human Free Cultural Model, is a form of natural Christiac power delegation in relationship to co-operative group creative endeavors and sociological organization. Synchronistic Democracy is the egalitarian principle from which "Synocracy" draws its name.

The democratic element of a Synocracy implies that the contribution of all individual members is equally heard, valued and appreciated. All individuals are perceived as being equal in value and Blessedness within the entirety of the ONE God-Source, while the reality that individuals within a collective most often possess varying degrees of development, awareness, skill, commitment and responsibility is simultaneously acknowledged.

The "Synchronicity" element within a Synocracy implies that all members have agreed to apply a shared recognition, trust and reverence to a common loving Unified Source that is the Universal Christos Unified Consciousness Field (Unified Field) of the D-12 Universal Pre-matter Template Divine Blueprint.

"Synchronicity", or spontaneous, harmonious, co-creative, cooperative flow of energy, action and event in "Divine Right Order", emerges into the manifest world when individuals agree to trust fully, and allow, the Wisdom and Healing Expression of the Universal Christos Consciousness Field to fully express within the manifest experience.

In a Synocracy, the uncompromising Ethical Standard of Absolute Trust in the Wisdom, Love, Power and Expression of the Common Universal Christos Intention , as the final arbitrator, administrator and criteria of action to all manifest affairs, is the foundation belief and core agreement upon which the joys of genuine unconditional freedom, love, sharing and cooperative co-creation can be tangibly and practically manifest.

A Synocracy is a form of Christiac power delegation that produces the most joyful expression of cocreation among beings.

(See: Divine Intention, Krist Code)

If another-abusive, exploiting civilization refuses to recognize the Eternal Law of ONE and its interconnection to the whole, it will find itself quarantined with others of its kind, with emissaries sent from Christos societies to offer loving Law of ONE re-education to facilitate healing. Such quarantine will remain until the civilization demonstrates the willingness to use its power of Free Will Choice in ways that do not damage the Universal Creation Framework or violate the Free Will Rights of the Universal Collective.

If abuse of Free Will is permitted to destroy the very framework that allows for the existence of Free Will Choice, the gift of Free Will Choice becomes compromised by misapplication of itself and serves as the vessel of its own demise. Synocratic Christiac civilizations understand that the power of Free Will, if it is to remain free, must be applied within the boundaries of Wisdom of its co-creative context.

Members of a Synocracy recognize that each member, regardless of the apparent expressed level of skill, development, awareness or evolution, is intrinsically a part of the same D-12 Universal Christiac Divine Blueprint from which all beings and things emerge into manifestation.

In a Synocracy, this Common Christos Core is fully acknowledged, implying that a point of full unconditional equality, love, agreement and One-ness perpetually exists within the Universal Christos Unified Consciousness Field.

(See: At-One-Ment)

Members of a Synocracy know that this "Point of Christos Unity and Agreement" can be made manifest in practical terms, if members of the collective all hold the common intention of its embodiment and use their Free Will Choice to "settle for nothing less".

Members of a Synocracy all agree to serve as a vessel through which this common point of Christos Knowing and Common Understanding can express for the mutual benefit of all.

References: The “Freedom Teachings” of the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO), Speaker: E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas.
  • Regents Consulate Meetings in Sarasota and NYC, Nov and Dec 2001

Divine Intention

(Kristiac Intention – Eternal Life)

Manifest Creation was set in motion upon the God-Source Original Divine Intention of:

  1. Perpetual Motion
  2. Eternal Life
  3. Love Based
  4. Co-creative, FREE WILL Expression (a direct reflection of the nature of God-Source)

The Free Will Choice is allowed even if that choice leads to the Choice of OPPOSITE EXPRESSION (Anti-Christiac Expression, See: Fall) to the Original Divine Intention and Divine Will of God-Source.

(See: Synocracy, Krist Code)

However, as God-Source Divine Original Intention includes the characteristics of Perpetual Motion and ETERNAL LIFE expression, as well as the characteristic of Free Will Choice, (through which the Original Divine Intention could potentially be destroyed through Free Will Choice of Opposite Expression), It ALSO EMBODIES the characteristic of CONSERVATION of Original Divine Intention, which expresses in terms of NATURAL PHYSICS LAW as the dynamic of "Cause and Effect" or "Action and Reciprocal Reaction".

In terms of Natural Spiritual Law the dynamics of Conservation of Original Divine Intention expresses as the LAW OF RECIPROCITY, (also known as "You will reap what you sow" or "What goes around comes around", which is the dynamic of CONSEQUENCE TO CHOSEN ACTION as the temperance to Free Will Choice.

Cosmic Order is Designed to be SELF-SUSTAINING and SELF RE-BALANCING - Eternal System.

If through the excessive misuse of Free Will Choice, the Choice of Opposite Expression of Divine Intention reaches a point at which it jeopardizes the Perpetual Motion, Eternal Life expression and continued existence of Cosmic Order, the Cosmos itself will restore order and balance through Re-Creation of the Divine Blueprint via the dynamics of "cause and effect" energy interrelationships inherent to the design of Cosmic Creation Physics Mechanics.

FREE WILL choice is an attribute of God-Source and therefore also consciousness once it is in manifestation.

Opposing these attributes is also allowed, within certain limits, stopping at the point at which the characteristics of the original Divine Intention could become compromised.

The line of demarcation, where Free Will choice of a manifest being is not allowed to affect the original Divine Intention, is at the interface of the Universal and Cosmic levels.

The smaller Universal Seed Atom and Merkaba systems are allowed to be subject to the influence of the Free Will Choice, meaning that the Merkaba fields of time matrices, Universes, Galaxies, Solar systems, stars, planets, and individual beings can become damaged through opposite expression Free Will choice.

When we use our gift of Free Will to direct our energies in a manner congruent with the Divine Right Order of Universal Unified Field Physics (which implies co-creative, non competitive co-evolution for all), the scalar-wave design of our personal Scalar Shields remains organized upon the intrinsic design of universal and personal Primal Order.

The Starburst Cycle and the Star Fire Cycle and their inherent phenomena of intensive, complex Unified Field Physics energy manifestations, can be seen as the “Core of the Organic Immune System within the Eternal Kristiac Body of God-Source”, through which God-Source infinitely upholds the Eternal Life Intention, sustains Eternal Life Creation and maintains Infinite Health through Self-healing of potential life-threatening imbalance emerging from the Gift of Free Will.

When manifest beings use their gift of Free Will Choice within the Original Divine Intention the state of AT-ONE-ment with God-Source can be known and embodied while within the manifest experience. This is Co-Creation.

Being both a sentient individual manifest AND simultaneously KNOWING Oneself as a direct, embodied expression of Christiac God-Source is known as the state of "God-Actualization"; this state creates the experience of FULLY ENGAGED NON-ATTACHMENT, (not DIS-ENGAGED DETACHMENT) accompanied by perpetual Unconditional Love, Peace, Spiritual and Material Mastery and Ecstatic Joy within the manifest arena.

The Universal Christos D-12 Density Divine Blueprint Pre-matter Living Liquid Light Field represents a direct expression of Divine Will Original Intention and the embodiment of the Natural Physics Laws of Energy and Consciousness through which that intention is perpetually expressed.

References: The “Freedom Teachings” of the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO), Speaker: E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas.
  • The Forbidden Testaments of Revelation
  • The Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System Course
  • Introduction to the Monad - Class Module
  • Indigo Remote Planetary Shields Clinic Procedure

Subconscious Mind

Corresponds to part of the Incarnate Matrix stationed and composed of the frequency band of dimension 1. (D-1)

The key functions of the Subconscious Mind – Body consciousness and Cellular Memory Facility – are:

Data Storage. Stores perceptual imprints form various Components of Mind and stores directional impulses from Superconscious Mind (Soul Matrix), through which the body receives its operational “orders” from the Soul Matrix.

Composed of Partiki units and Keylons, it exists as a minute crystalline blueprint within the cellular structure (Cellular Memory) of the body and serves as a memory storage facility and regulator of the body’s autonomic functions.

The Subconscious Mind is the portion of your personal identity that manifest as the physical body form and the crystalline blueprint within the molecular structure. It represents the “Body Consciousness.”

The Subconscious Mind translates energy signatures from the Unified Field of energy into perceptual data (Senses) such as light, sound, taste, smell, touch, temperature, objectified form and linear passage of time.

Working co-creatively with the other Components of Mind, the Subconscious Mind creates the holographic illusion of 3-dimensional matter, objectified space and linear passage of time.

The Subconscious Mind translates thoughts, ideas and beliefs into Keylontic Symbol Codes of light (Light-Symbol Codes), sound and electromagnetic standing wave patterns that directs the morphogenetic field Keylon structure of the body.

Thoughts will thus affect the health or disease of the body, as their biological Keylontic translations will either assist or impede the flow of energy between the body, the personality and the Soul Matrix.

The Reasoning Mind can use Keylontic Symbol Codes to direct the process of the Subconscious Mind and body and to access information stored in the Cellular Memory.

The Subconscious Mind is primarily associated with the frequency bands of D-1, the physical body, the first DNA strand, the base Chakra and the Etheric Body (first level out from the physical body) level of the bio-energetic field (auric field).

References: The “Freedom Teachings” of the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO), Speaker: E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas.
  • Voyagers I


Molecular Compaction, Monadic Reversal, is the reason why we die.

That is the ultimate cause of Death behind every single malady, as far as health stuff. Due our shield reversals and thus the inability of the shields and DNA, and therefore the body, to be able to receive and synthesize naturally the normal currents from the Soul.

(See: Disease)

Fear just gets in our way, and it stops you from realizing you have the power to do exactly what you need.

One of the worst fears on this planet is the fear of Death. That is the worst insult to Life and to Eternal Life that exists, because if you are afraid of dying you just don't get it at all. You just really think there isn't a God-Source. You have no clue that the Universe is loving, because if you really are afraid of death, and we are programmed to believe in being afraid of dying, you completely deny your own Christiac Self and your ability to do anything.

One of the Attitudes of Mastery we're learning is that of "Fearlessness - Recognizing the Eternal Infinite Nature of Unconditional Love of the ALL-ONE-ness".

(See: Divine Intention)

Bio-Regenesis of Primal Order within the Organic Imprint for Health (See: MF) creates True Healing and expedites the natural processes of human evolution.

Through fulfillment of the Primal Purpose humanity will regain The Primal Condition of Eternal Conscious At-ONE-ment with the Central Source of Creation or God Source.

References: The “Freedom Teachings” of the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO), Speaker: E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas.
  • Phoenix 8-2002 Lectures Engaging the God Languages - Module Handbook
  • The Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System Course

Inner Earth


During the Third Seeding, about 65,000 years ago, the Melchizedeks appeared in Atlantean culture, and prior to the sinking of the Atlantean islands (30,000 - 11,500 YA) retreated to an underground haven deep below the Earth's crust within a three-dimensional frequency modulation zone that exists between the Earth and her anti-particle double.

This area is known as the Inner Earth, and large civilizations exist to this day, and occasionally members interact with surface Earth through the hidden caverns that link Earth's surface to the modulation zone of the Inner Earth.

The civilizations of Agartha, the Inner Earth, which exists in a frequency modulation zone between Earth and its parallel-universe double, between D-3 (Dimension-3) and D-4 time bands, actually exists at the core of Earth's Sun, within the 3.5-Dimensional frequency level.

Particles in the D-3.5 vibration spin at 22.5° reverse angular rotation (ARPS) to the particles in D-3 (Earth's atmosphere) an at a 22.5° angular rotation to the particles in D-4.

This D-3.5 area is called Inner Earth because one must travel through the Earth's external portals, downward through the Earth into the D-2 Earth morphogenetic field, then to D-1 iron core crystal in the center of Earth in order to re-emerge within the D-3.5 frequency level of the Sun where Agartha exists.

References: The “Freedom Teachings” of the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO), Speaker: E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas.
  • Voyagers II


Presently there are 4 primary groups of "Visitors" that are members of the 3 primary ancient hybridhuman Starseed race lines.
  1. The Grail Line Race Emerald Sun Order Elohie. (Indigo Children & Angelic Human)
  2. The Grail Line Race Ruby Sun Order Elohim. (Indigo Children & Angelic Human)
  3. The Belil Sun Annu-Elohim. (Intruders)
  4. The Black Sun Seraphin-Drakonian. (Intruders)
These 4 primary races hold 3 conflicting agendas regarding the continuation of Earth human evolution.

Each are contacting their Earth hybrid incarnates to assist in fulfilling their respective agendas.

The Grail Line visitors (48, 30, 24 and 12 strands DNA) hold the "Diamond Sun" agenda of assisting all Earth humans and hybrids to fulfill the 12-strand DNA template potential, as promised in the Emerald Covenant 248,000 years ago.

The Belil and Black Sun visitors (11 and 10 strand DNA) seek to hi-jack Earth human evolution and claim dominion of Earth under forced One-World-Order, breaking the ancient Emerald Covenant Interstellar treaty.

Every Earth human. both starseed and earthseed, has the right to Choose which agenda it will honor, this is why the Grail Line Visitors are exposing the Belil Sun and Black Sun hidden agendas.

References: The “Freedom Teachings” of the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO), Speaker: E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas.
  • Angelic Realities

Cellular Memory

Partiki units and Keylons, that exists as a minute crystalline blueprint within the cellular structure (Cellular Memory) of the body and serves as a memory storage facility and regulator of the body’s autonomic functions.

(See: Subconscious Mind)

Every cell of the body stores not only memory, in the form of coded electrical impulse, but also stores the very codes of translation, the Keylonta Light-symbol codes (or “Fire Letters”). They are the means by which memory is translated into sensual data and the means by which the illusion of tree-dimensional reality (Reality Field) is manufactured.

When you program the Crystal Body, which is called cellular memory, you imprint a signature in it. That’s where the concept of Karma comes from. Everything that is incorporated in our Crystal Body with eventually cycle out in the hologram projection created by the refraction of sound and light.

Since our thoughts are composed of Partiki also this is why mind affects matter, we are not very good at it now but there were times in our species development many eons ago when we were more advanced, we had more DNA plugged than now that we had complete control over matter with our minds. It was nothing - it was like breathing. We have to relearn that process. And Keylontic Science (Keylonta) is one tool that can help us move in that direction.

References: The “Freedom Teachings” of the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO), Speaker: E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas.
  • Voyagers I
  • The Amenti Series 1 Classes


The crystalline latticework blueprint for the body and consciousness that is composed of ultra-micro particle units called Partiki.

The “Mind” is an attribute of Consciousness. The mind does not produce consciousness, consciousness is not a product of the mind, but rather the mind is a structure of energy that consciousness creates and uses in order to participate within realities that have their basis in differentiate perception.

Perception itself is an attribute of consciousness and mind; it is the product of consciousness using the facilities and structures of mind.

The Mind is the portion of your identity that allows you to experience individuality.

The mind exists as a large conglomerate of organized grouping of electromagnetic energy units called Partiki, which spans multiple dimensional fields.

Consciousness uses form constructions such as the mind to create the experience of differentiated perception.

The form construction of the mind has multiple levels that correspond directly to the form construction of the 15-dimensional Universal Time Matrix and interwoven with the greater structures of the Cosmic Unified Field.

Each individual mind has a level of Triadic Identity (or 3 dimensional identity) station within the frequency bands of the 5 Harmonic Universes (HU).

The Four Components of Mind are:

  1. The Subconscious Mind – D-1 - Body Consciousness and Cellular Memory Facility. 
  2. The Instinctual Mind – D-2 - Emotional/Intuitive Facility. 
  3. The Reasoning Mind – D-3 - Logical/Rational Facility. 
  4. The Superconscious Mind – D-5, D-6 and D-7 - The group Soul Matrix

If we can understand that the Human Mind is an energy force that continually generates patterns of scalar waves form through the process of thought, it is not difficult to understand how appropriately directed thought can directly influence the functions of the personal Manifestation Template scalar blueprint.

Undirected thought creates chaotic patterns  within the Manifestation Template, while thought directed through clear intention creates ordered patterns within the Manifestation Template.

(See: Miasms)

The patterns of scalar energy frequency that thought projects into the personal Manifestation Template serve as Electromagnetic Operational Instructions within the Template, directly effecting the conditions that will be met in manifest holographic template experience.

Color, Light and Symbols are the Language that the human Mind utilizes to direct specific applications of frequency into specific mathematical and geometrical relationships through which the function of Earth's Planetary Shields, Planetary Merkaba Fields and Templar complex grid systems, vortices, portals and Star Gates can be consciously influenced, operated and directed.

The human MIND is the director of frequency, the human body is the conduit through which directed frequency flows.

References: The “Freedom Teachings” of the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO), Speaker: E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas.
  • Voyagers I
  • Planetary Shields Clinic Field Guide

Space Dust

Units of undifferentiated consciousness without form or sentient memory.

When embodied consciousness are reduced and fragmented to “space dust” it corresponds to our concept of oblivion.

These fragmented units of consciousness referred as “space dust” or “cosmic ashes” would have to start its evolutionary journey from the very beginning all over again.

(See: Fall, Molecular Compaction, Host Matrix, Death)

References: The “Freedom Teachings” of the Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order (MCEO), Speaker: E’Asha Ashayana Arhayas.
  • Voyagers I